Poetry London Apprenticeship Scheme

Ends on

Poetry London is pleased to announce that its Poetry Apprenticeship Scheme, with Pascale Petit, is now open for applications! Generously funded by The Fenton Arts Trust and Arts Council England, this is a scheme for talented emerging poets, of any age, who will each be matched with a prominent poet with proven experience in supporting the work of other writers. Applicants must not be part of another similar scheme or studying for a creative writing degree. Poetry London is committed to developing the diversity of contemporary poetry, and as part of our commitment to this we will be providing this scheme scheme without cost to the poets, while also offering a grant of £500 to cover travel expenses in order to enable applicants from across the UK to benefit.

Feedback from previous apprentices emphasises the indispensability of financial support in accessing the opportunities the scheme offers, enabling them to develop their practice, and to think imaginatively and ambitiously about their work. Asked about the most beneficial aspects of this scheme, one apprentice answered ‘The level, precision, and quality of the feedback I receive’

If you would like to apply to the scheme, please email a letter of interest (no more than 2 sides of A4, outlining your writing practice to date, and why you need the scheme) and a sample of three poems via Submittable. Please also attach a completed equal opportunities form.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.